Friday, June 27, 2008

Introduce Yourself

Okay, so I didn't really introduce myself properly. I go by "gish" on the Intertoobz. Recently, I graduated with my Masters in Library Science, and am hoping to be a proper librarian soon. Also, I'm 28 and female, if that kind of thing matters to you.

My favorite comics (past and present) are, in no particular order: Hellblazer, Sandman, Death, Catwoman, Wonder Woman, Fell, JTHM, Runaways, Lenore, Birds of Prey, Batman, (Mighty!) Thor, Simon Dark, BTVS, Thunderbolts, Avengers: The Initiative, Guardians of the Galaxy, and manga such as Crayon Shinchan and Ranma. I'm sure there are more, but I can't remember them off the top of my head. Oh, and I also liked the Avengers Fairy Tales series. Anyway, you get the idea.

Shadow mocks my love of indie comics, borrowing the motto: "Make Mine Marvel." (He also mocks my taste in music and most video games, so this is nothing new.) So there will be some debate regarding this here, to be sure. Like most things in life, I can only shrug and say that I like what I like. Even if I am juvenile and dark.

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