Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Wednesday's Pull List

What better way to breathe life back into a dead comics blog than be posting your Wednesday pull list comics? What's that you say? There are lots of better ways? Nevertheless, here we go...

Incredible Hercules: I really dug the last issue, especially with the not-so-subtle commentary on character deaths in the Marvel universe. I thought it was especially hilarious when Herc rolled up on Wasp while she was playing the slots. I just hope they get a better artist - Herc works best when the art isn't too cartoony and goofy, and looks somewhat storybookish -- see Khoi Pham's issues or the Sacred Invasion arc.

Nova and Guardians of the Galaxy: Ever notice how Herc and these two always come out at the same time? Anyway, should be good stuff as usually. War of Kings is really firing on all cylinders for me. I'm a big DnA fan, though, ever since I readthe Eisenhorn trilogy. Brad Walker and Andrea Di Vito are decent replacements for Peitllier on those two books, and generally do a pretty good job. Plus, you gotta love that Guardians cover. However, what is up with this 80's Flash Dancing Nova cover -- the hell?

Wonder Woman: I like Gail Simone, and I'm glad Lopresti is back (because those fill-in artists were kinda crap), but I haven't really been able to get into the whole Genocide story. I don't understand how it ties in with the more interesting manazon story. I feel like I'm already getting a better version of the whole Greek Gods in the modern world thing in Hercules. This is the end of the Genocide arc, so hopefully Simone can salvage something more engaging going forward.

Gotham City Sirens & Detective Comics: Sirens seems like a fun concept that could be an excellent book, if it has the right mix of humor, craziness, and characterization. I love Dini's work on the Batman animated series, and Harley is one of me and Gish's favorites. I have no idea what to expect from Greg Rucka's Batwoman arc in Detective, though. I don't know anything about the character. Here's to optimism!

Runaways: It's the start of Kathryn Immonen's run on... um... Runaways! I loved Patsy Walker: Hellcat, and I think she'll be a good fit for this book. Hopefully she'll stop fetishizing Nico like the male writers do and portray her as the whiny, self-absorbed emo brat she is so we can laugh at her. You know, like Emo Sarah. There was a very similar character at the end of Patsy Walker and she was both endearing and annoying at the same time, if that makes sense. I don't like Sara Pichelli's art, though (she can't really draw teenagers as teenagers) but I'll give it another chance.

Thor: What can I say? If you aren't reading JMS's Thor already, you must have some sort of weird racist hatred of the Norse. Bigot!

Thunderbolts: I'm on the fence on this one. Diggle almost got me sold on these characters last issue. But I might have been irretrivably spoiled by Ellis's run and just expect more than this series can really deliver. Besides, goddamn Bendis stole all the cool Thunderbolts for his Darker Revengencers of Darkness with Extra Dark. On the other hand, Songbird might be coming back soon. And I loves me some Songbird.

What I'm NOT Buying: Anything with the word "Dark" in the title. What the hell, Marvel?

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